Review SSDV Annual Congress 2024 – #Modern Dermatology
At the annual Congress of the SSDV in Basel, the Conference Presidents, Prof. Dr. Dr. A. Navarini and Prof. Dr. K. Hartmann, together with the President of the SSDV, Dr. M. Geiges and under the direction of the General Secretariat headed by Milena Reusser, put together an inspiring three-day programme.
From 18th to 20th September 2024, the annual congress of the SSDV took place at the Congress Center in Basel under the motto #ModernDermatology and was once again an eventful highlight of the year. The congress was launched by the President of the SSDV, Dr. Michael Geiges, and the Conference President, Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Navarini, who welcomed the participants with an introductory speech on the first day and then led them through three exciting congress days. It was Dr. Michael Geiges' first congress as President of the SSDV. He says:
«My aim was to organize an event that would enable and encourage personal and professional exchange in a cheerful atmosphere and bring dermatologists from all over Switzerland closer together. I am extremely pleased to see that this goal was achieved thanks to the good advance planning, enormous commitment and outstanding teamwork of all those involved.», Michael Geiges
Comprehensive Scientific Program
On Wednesday, 440 participants attended the congress and on each of the following two days there were even more than 500 participants. The speakers offered the participants a broad and at the same time topic-specific programme. Once again, this year, we were delighted to welcome five speakers from abroad, who gave the congress an international flavour.
The newly organised Poster Walk, which took place on Friday, in the poster exhibition was a great success.
«For me, the three poster walks were the greatest highlight of this year's congress», Alexander Navarini
says Prof. Dr Dr A. Navarini in his closing statement. The three poster walks, which were arranged by topic, were led by Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph Schlapbach, Prof. Dr. Olivier Gaide and Prof. Dr. Karin Hartmann and enjoyed great popularity.
Social Events and Exhibition
More than 60 exhibitors presented their products at this year's congress in Basel. The exhibition was well attended and served as a place for participants to meet and exchange.
The SSDV dinner took place at the Löwenzorn restaurant in the heart of Basel's old town, where the two honorary members, Dr. Carlo Mainetti and Prof. Dr. Christopher Griffiths, who were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2023, received their certificates of honour in a festive atmosphere. On the same evening, the ever-popular Apéro of the Swiss Young Dermatologists (SYD) took place in a cosy setting in the Flore restaurant. A highlight of the event was the networking dinner, which took place on the MS Rhystärn on the Rhine. In the most beautiful evening atmosphere, over 200 guests were able to enjoy an aperitif on the roof of the ship and then attend the poster and award ceremony. The disco was launched on the ship at 11 pm and the guests travelled along the Rhine in a party atmosphere.
Conference Nurses and MPA
An attractive, clinical-scientific programme relevant for nurses and MPA was presented at the third day of the congress. The Scientific Committee, consisting of Karin Uttard, Michael Bautti, Kathrin Thormann and Heiko Müller, led the 71 participants through the day.
Next year, St. Gallen is the next place to be
Next year's SSDV Annual Congress will take place in St. Gallen from 3th to 5th September 2025. We will welcome you there under the motto «Climate & Dermatology - What to prepare for?» Be part of it! We look forward to seeing you there.