Nous félicitons les lauréats 2024 suivants au networking dinner à Bâle

Pierre Fabre
Swiss Skin Cancer Award
Peter Renz, Université de Zurich
In vivo single-cell CRISPR uncovers distinct
TNF-y programs in clonal expansion and tumorigenesis | bioRxiv

Incyte-Innovative Dermatology Award
Elisabeth Gössinger, USB
Actinic Keratosis Surveillance Using Artificial
Intelligence : Prospective Registry - Investigating
Short- and Long-term Real-World Treatment
Efficacy with Digital Imaging

Sanofi-DermatologyAward : Spotlight on Type 2 Inflammation
Susanne Radonijc, INSEL
Interplay of skin barrier dysfunction and Th2 inflammation in skin diseases

Fellowship Programme
Barbara Meier-Schiesser, USZ
Revolutionizing Diagnosis and Treatment of Lichen Planus:
Improving Management of Women's Health

La Roche Posay
La dermatologie de tout cœur
Lukas Krähenbühl
Se sentir bien dans sa peau malgré un traitement contre le cancer

Prix Ferdinand von Hebra
Daniel Hohl
Outstanding achievements on genetic diseases

Rare Hem-Skin Award
Julia Dorothea Schulze, USB
Gene expression profiles in acute and chronic cutaneous
graft-versus-host disease using NanoString technology